Contrary to popular believe, Latex allergies are not the only thing that can cause irritation of the skin (or worse) when you don a glove. Below are some examples of other possible causes to your outbreak:

Chemical Allergy - Accelerators used during the vulcanization process which may contain, carbamates, thiurams, 2-mercaptobenzothiazole (MBT), and 1,3-diphenylguanidine (DPG) and plasticizer with polyvinyl chloride, may cause contact allergy with diffuse or patchy dermatitis on the dorsal surface of the hands
Dye Allergy - Some people have experienced allergic reactions when using disposable gloves of certain colors (eg. purple). This is typically an issue of allergy to the dye used when dyeing a glove blue or purple
Latex Allergy - Although rare, some nitrile gloves have small traces of latex found in them. This latex allergy can be mistakenly attributed to the nitrile gloves
Please treat allergic reactions seriously. Seek treatment from your doctor or dermatologist to relieve the symptoms of allergic reactions. They are able to prescribe antihistamines or other topical creams to treat the issue.